There’s a lot more to know about your car insurance than is necessary to drive legally. It’s always better to fully understand your automobile insurance policy beforehand as it can help you take the right decisions in case you get into an accident.
In automobile insurance, people usually don’t know if their insurance follows the car or the driver. If you’re driving someone else’s car and get into any type of accident, does the insurance cover you? If there are any injuries due to the accident, who’s liable to pay for the damage? Let’s take a detailed look into automobile insurance in Texas and answer these questions.
Does the Insurance Follow the Driver or the Car?
Essentially, basic automobile insurance follows the car. However, there are several factors that come into account.
There are multiple types of coverage plans, including ones that cover the car only, cover the driver only, or cover both. Your claim or someone’s claim against you depends upon the insurance package you’ve chosen.
Liability Insurance
Liability insurance is mandatory to have for every driver in Texas and this insurance follows the driver. This insurance plan covers the cost of injuries and property damage caused by a road accident for which the driver is responsible. This type of insurance is applicable on any car the driver is driving.
For example, if you drive your car into another vehicle and damaged its rear bumper, liability insurance will cover it for you. Even if you’re driving a friend’s car, liability insurance will still cover you, unlike automobile insurance.
Collision Insurance
In the previous example, we talked about how liability insurance will pay for the damage you’ve caused to the other vehicle. However, what about the damage to your vehicle?
The damage to your car is covered under automobile insurance and is called collision insurance. This type of insurance follows the car. If the specific vehicle you crashed, be it yours or your friends, was insured, the insurance will cover the expenses incurred due to the accident.
If you want to get a comprehensive insurance package that covers both you and your car, you can get in touch with Pronto Insurance.
We are a renowned insurance company in San Angelo, TX, and have been serving the residents of the area for over a decade. We offer automobile insurance, motorcycle insurance, health insurance, life insurance, and more. Know more about our services by reaching out to our team today!
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