An officer writing a speeding ticket

Statistics show approximately 41 million drivers receive speeding tickets annually. Putting those numbers in context, police officers issue 112,000 speeding tickets daily. Given over 229 million licensed drivers exist in the United States, almost 18 percent of drivers receive a speeding ticket annually.

Naturally, many people often wonder how speeding tickets can affect your car insurance. Do you have to pay a higher premium if you have received speeding tickets? The answer is it depends on several factors.

For starters, not every speeding ticket is equal. Some speeding tickets won’t affect your car insurance premium, while others will skyrocket it.

According to one study, the average speeding ticket raises your premium rate by 13 percent. However, you’ll need to delve deeper to understand the impact of a speeding ticket on car insurance.


Your First Speeding Ticket

You can relax if you’ve received your first speeding ticket. Most car insurance companies won’t change your premiums because of one speeding ticket. Typically, you’ll have to pay court fees and receive points on your driving record for speeding. Once you receive a speeding ticket, ensure you pay it as quickly as possible. Ignoring speeding tickets can lead to higher fines, additional points on your license, and even license suspension.


Does Your Speed Matter?

Let’s assume you were driving at 30 miles per hour in a 25-mile zone. That’s a relatively negligible speeding difference. Now, imagine you were driving at 60 miles per hour in the same zone. That’s a significant difference because you’re going over twice the speed limit. In such instances, your speed does matter.

Research shows that drivers receive a 15 percent increase in premiums if they’re caught going 30 miles or more over the speed limit. On the flip side, you’ll only see an 11 percent increase in premium if you were less than 15 miles over the speed limit.

Therefore, your speed does matter.


Why Do Insurance Agencies Raise Premiums After a Ticket?

Insurance agencies raise premiums after receiving a speeding ticket because they feel you’re likelier to get into an accident. Speeding tickets indicate reckless driving behavior. As a result, insurance agencies naturally become wary of such drivers. Car insurance companies respond similarly to drivers receiving other violations like reckless driving, DUIs, driving without a license, etc.

Speeding tickets can also affect you in other ways. Some insurance agencies offer lower rates to drivers with crystal-clear driving records. Getting a speeding ticket can prevent you from getting discounted rates reserved for excellent drivers.

In rare situations, drivers with numerous traffic violations and tickets can become uninsurable. Speeding tickets rarely cause such instances. However, they contribute to you becoming uninsurable.


How to Keep Your Premium Low After a Speeding Ticket

You can’t go back in time and remove speeding tickets from your record. However, you can take some measures to minimize the impact of speeding tickets on your insurance rate.

Generally, insurance agencies favorably respond if you take a defensive driving course or attend traffic school. In some instances, continuing with your current insurance provider might not be the best option. You’ll want to find another insurer willing to provide you with better premiums.


An officer handing a driver a speeding ticket

Get Car Insurance from a Reputable Insurance Agency in San Angelo

Are you trying to find a San Angelo insurance agency? Pronto San Angelo is an insurance company near you. San Angelo Insurance provides some of the best vehicle insurance in San Angelo. In addition, you can also purchase a home insurance policy from us. Visit our website to learn more. Alternatively, get in touch with us today.


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